Tyneham Remembered DVD
Winston Churchill Tyneham DVD

Tyneham Remembered Is Essential Viewing For Anyone With an Interest in Tyneham Village and Its History

So many people are missing the real story about what happened in Tyneham village. The story is told by the Tyneham villagers themselves.. in their own words.

If you want to know what really happened to Tyneham and its people, the Tyneham Remembered DVD is essential viewing.

You will get a fascinating insight into the lives of the villagers before they were forced to evacuate in 1943.

You will get to see modern-day footage compared with old black-and-white photos showing exactly what the village used to look like and what it was like living there.

What makes this DVD so compelling is hearing about village life from the people who used to live there. Interviews include the late Arthur Grant, Peter Wellman and Doug Churchill amongst others.

Tyneham People

It’s one thing reading about what life in Tyneham was like, but to actually hear about it from the people who lived there is magical”.

Hearing, in their own words, how they were forced to leave their homes is heartbreaking. Especially as it was just a few days before Christmas. You really feel the emotion when they return to their old homes for the interviews..

At a length of 1 hour and 40 minutes, there is so much information contained in the DVD.

It’s sad to say, that most of the people interviewed in Tyneham Remembered have now passed away, so this DVD is now the only way to hear about life in Tyneham from the people who lived there.

I don’t know how much longer this DVD will be available so the more people who own it, the better. The information in this DVD needs to be preserved forever.

At the moment you can still get a copy of Tyneham Remembered from Amazon.co.uk or you can support this website and buy directly from TynehamVillage.org by clicking here.

Tyneham Remembered on Amazon

3 thoughts on “Buy The Tyneham DVD”

  1. I highly recommend this DVD to anyone who has visited or is thinking about visiting Tyneham. The interviews from the ex residents are simply wonderful. I’ve actually watched it several times.

  2. Hearing about life in the village from the people that used to live there is incredible. This DVD is a treasure and its historic importance will only grow as time goes on. Anyone with an interest in Tyneham must watch this!!

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